SRAM Characterization and Modeling Engineer, up to Staff Level (Hsinchu)(3065065)
【本職缺優先審核至高通官網投遞人選】請至高通官網上傳英文履歷表:–up-to-Staff-Level_3065065 【Talents who apply job through Qualcomm Career Website will be reviewed and considered as top priority】
【Job Description】 We are looking for talented and ambitious individuals to join the TECHIP team. The candidate should have strong IP modeling, Char tool know-how and hands-on experience and automation skills. Hands-on experience in EDA tool automation, data analysis and visualization & large-scale software automation enablement. Good understanding of statistical Liberty timing, power model and Front-end Verilog views and tools. Silicon reliability modeling, validation with multiple foundries & EDA house is a plus.
The ideal candidate would also have experience with industry standard chip design tools and design flows for Static Timing Analysis, Spice / Fast spice simulation, Synthesis, DFT, Power Analysis.