How to import your Dog/Cat to Taiwan?

When we decide to add a pet to the family, it’s a life long decision. When moving to another country, of course, our furry friends need to come with us. Importing your cat or dog to Taiwan is not that difficult if you know how! We have created a step-to-step guide and linked it to all essential resources and information to make this as stress-free for owner and pet as possible.

Note: We are only talking about standard household pets. If you have a working dog (e.g., Service Dog, Duty Dog, etc.), there might be special regulations. Please read THIS document for more information.

Step 1

Before we can get started, we need to figure out what type of country you are importing your pet from. All countries are divided into either rabies-free or rabies-infected countries. Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Sweden, Iceland, Norway, Hawaii state, Territory of Guam, Singapore, Estonia, and Japan are recognized as rabies-free countries. All other countries are rabies-infected.

Please call the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency (APHIA), Ministry of Agriculture)if you would like to confirm. TEL:(02)2343-1401

Step 2

Are we meeting the requirements?

Before we move on to the actual process of importing your cat/dog, we need to figure out if your pet is meeting the general requirements for import:

  1. Implanted with a microchip (Please check with the vet even if you’re sure the pet has a microchip. The chip can move or be destroyed by accident)
  2. At least 3-months old and had a rabies shot after reaching the 3-months of age.
  3. Up-to-date rabies vaccine, meaning not older than 1-year before import

Step 3

If you are importing your pet from a recognized rabies-free country, please keep reading. The pet needs to be at least 180-days in the rabies-free country. If you are importing from a rabies-infected country, please check Rabies-Infected Country (Zone) Import .

Rabies-Free Country (Zone) Import
  • Apply for an Import permit at least 20-days before entry at the port of entry (e.g., if you are flying in from Taoyuan, apply at the Taoyuan customs)

  • There are two ways of applying for an import permit. Either APPLY ONLINE or fill out the application form they provide on their WEBSITE (scroll to the bottom to find it) and send it via post, fax, or email.

  • List of documents you need for the import permit application:

    • Authentication document of the applicant (e.g., Taiwanese ID, ARC, passport)
    • Veterinarian signed certificate proof of rabies vaccination. This certificate needs to include the following information: dogs/cats breed, sex, age, microchip number, inoculation date (date of rabies shot, the rabies shot needs to be between 30-365 days before importation to Taiwan)

Note: The import permit can be applied before a flight is booked. Choose a date first that you are most likely to import your pet to Taiwan. If the time frame changes after you have successfully applied for the import permit, you can just send them an email and change the date.

  • Book a flight. Make sure to call or contact the airline directly. Different airlines have different rules & regulations.

    • Some airlines allow pets in the cabin when they are small enough (e.g. KLM, Lufthansa)
    • Some airlines only allow pets in cargo (e.g., Eva Air)
    • Some airlines don’t allow certain types of pets at all (e.g., Emirates)
    • Every airline’s pricing and rules are different. Please make sure to check on their websites or call for any questions.
  • Get a veterinary certificate issued/stamped by the exporting country. Please use the FORM provided by the Taiwanese government.

  • When the pet arrives in Taiwan, you will need to submit the following documents to the animal quarantine authority:

    • Photocopy of the Import Permit
    • Original Export Veterinary Certificate
    • Photocopy of the bill of lading, airway bill, or customs declaration
  • The Taiwanese animal quarantine authority will issue the Import Veterinary Certificate, but only after all the above requirements are met, and the dog/cat gives no cause for suspicion of notifiable animal infectious diseases.

Rabies-Infected Country (Zone) Import

Rabies-Titer-Test at your veterinarian.

  • A Rabies-Titer-Test is a test that checks the rabies virus neutralizing antibody after vaccination.
  • Please make sure that the Rabies-Titer-Test is checked at one of the LISTED laboratories. Click the link and scroll down to the bottom to find the up to date “List of Rabies Neutralization Antibody Testing Laboratories.”
  • To pass, you will need a result greater or equal to 0.5 IU/ml
  • If you need to refresh your vaccine, wait a month after the vaccine at least for the best results of the Rabies-Titer-Test.
  • A Rabies-Titer-Test will take up to 3-4 weeks to come back with results. Also, calculate that the costs can range between 40 USD to 150 USD.

Apply for an import permit after your Titer-Test results are out. You will need the following documents:

  • Veterinarian signed proof of rabies vaccination, it will need the following information on it: the dog/cat’s breed, sex, age, microchip number, inoculation date, that inactivated vaccine was indeed used. The format doesn’t really matter; important is that it’s stamped by the veterinarian and signed.
  • Proof of passed Rabies-Titer-Test. The laboratory usually provides the report in English already with all the needed information.
  • Your personal identification documents, eg. Passport, ARC, Taiwanese ID etc.
  • There are two ways of applying for an import permit. Either APPLY ONLINE or fill out the application form they provide on their WEBSITE and send it via post, fax, or email.

NOTE: Choose an arbitrary date in the future, start counting 180 days after the drawing of the blood for the Rabies-Titer-Test. The dates of the successful import permit will be a timeframe around your chosen date. If you need to change the dates due to a different flight booking, it can be done via email!

After you receive your import permit, you can start looking for flights. We recommend booking them via call, so the airline can check directly if you can take a pet on board for that specific flight.

  • Some airlines allow pets in the cabin when they are small enough (e.g., KLM, Lufthansa)
  • Some airlines only allow pets in cargo (e.g., Eva Air)
  • Some airlines don’t allow certain types of pets at all (e.g., Emirates)
  • Every airline’s pricing and rules are different. Please make sure to check on their websites or call for any questions.

Apply for a post-entry quarantine facility spot in Taiwan

  • After receiving your import permit and booking your flight, you will need to apply for the post-entry quarantine facility.
  • Email your area’s Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency)branch office to arrange for a quarantine spot. Contacts can be found HERE .

Finding the right carriage

Whether you are transporting the pet in the cabin or in cargo, you will have to look for the right transport carriage.

  • For in-cabin flights, we recommend going for soft bags as they tend to have more space for the pet to move around. They can also be a little bigger than the airline standards, which makes it even more comfortable for your furry friend!
  • If you are transporting your pet in cargo, the transportation cage needs to fit the IATA-standards. Make sure your carrier has enough space for the pet to comfortably stand up and move around.

NOTE: If you decided to transport the pet in a soft bag, you would still need a transport cage for transport to the quarantine facilities. You can bring it to the Taiwan airport previous to your flight or have a friend drop it off. Please go to the quarantine office at the port of entry to organize the drop-off. Please check out the shipping fare for transportation from the airport to the quarantine facilities HERE .

Arrival Time

Please make sure your pet arrives during specific times so the transport to the quarantine facility can run smoothly. If you arrive outside of the official arrival time, your pet might need to stay at the airport overnight. Find the updated times HERE . Scroll to the bottom and look for the “Arrival time for into the quarantine premise” document.


  • Inquire at your Taiwan animal quarantine branch office which quarantine facilities your pet will be transported to
  • After successful quarantine spot application, you should’ve been sent some info sheets to fill out regarding your pet’s detailed information; if not, inquire with your branch office
  • Call or email the quarantine facilities to inquire about visiting times and when you can bring food or special items for the pets

After a 7-days quarantine, you can pick up your pet. Be aware that the time your pet spends at the quarantine facilities is very stressful, so give your pet a couple of days to recover!

For more in-depth information about the whole quarantine process, please check out this DOCUMENT . The branch offices are very friendly, helpful, speak English and are reachable via telephone or email. Find their contact info HERE . Don’t hesitate to confirm every step of the process with them!

Good luck, and see you in Taiwan soon!

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