At June 30, 2024, “6,960” cards are valid. From February 8, 2018 to June 30, 2024, “10,434” cards were approved.

At June 30, 2024, “6,960” cards are valid.

Field of valid cards:

  • Science & Technology: 1,405
  • Economy: 2,815
  • Education: 1,142
  • Culture and Arts: 449
  • Sport: 9
  • Finance: 454
  • Law: 13
  • Architectural Design: 40
  • National Defense: 17
  • Cross-field: 193
  • Digital: 423

From February 8, 2018 to June 30, 2024, “10,343” cards were approved.

Application field of cardholders:

  • Science & Technology: 1,970
  • Economy: 4,902
  • Education: 1,424
  • Culture and Arts: 685
  • Sport: 10
  • Finance: 702
  • Law: 14
  • Architectural Design: 54
  • National Defense: 18
  • Cross-field: 201
  • Digital: 454

Number of Valid Employment Gold Cards Issued by Month-June
Number of Valid Employment Gold Cards Issued by Month-June