Taiwan Gold Card Annual Gathering!
On behalf of the National Development Council (NDC), Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA) and the Taiwan Gold Card Office team, we cordially invite you to the annual Gold Card Gathering to celebrate the opening of Talent Taiwan and the successes of the Taiwan Employment Gold Card program since 2018. Join us for a fun-filled night of great food, karaoke, and traditional night market vendors that the entire family will enjoy!
*Dress Code: Come as your are!
*Gold Card members who have since joined APRC/citizenship are also welcome!
Family members also welcome!
Please be aware that alcohol will be served at this event - The legal drinking age for Taiwan is 18. Please drink responsibly.
Please sign up as early as possible so we can make the proper arrangements.
晚宴時間:**2023 年 11 月 1 日(週三)18:00 - 21:00 **
地點: Super 346 Beer House (建國啤酒廠) Taiwan’s first beer factory!
地址: 台北市中山區八德路二段85 號
Google Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/Sve3ovqMRQdxhUoQ7
捷運站: 忠孝新生站 (步行10分鐘)